UCD/QUB survey
We received the following request from UCD which parents might find interesting... Dear Mr Browne, My name is Chris Hastings and I am a...

Coastguards visit the school
Coastguards visit our school A big thank you to Noel Brett and Darragh McGee for visiting our school on Monday. Noel gave a water safety...

A very special canine visitor!
What an absolute treat! SNA Pauline and her daughter Emily brought Major, a very special, fully trained companion dog, to the school...

School Tours
We now the dates, locations and prices for all mainstream class tours. Parents can pay in instalments or in full, and can pay online via...

A message from Burrishoole Community Games for children from 1st class upwards... Community games art, handwriting and modelmaking....

First Communion Mass at Knock Shrine
Notice for children who made their communion this year... There is a special Mass for First Communion children and their families which...

Corpus Christi Procession
The Feast of Corpus Christi takes place on Sunday June 2nd. Weather permitting, as last year, we will hold our Corpus Christi procession...

Teddies on Tour!
2nd Class got to enjoy a post-Communion Teddy Bear's picnic and disco today

Green Fingers!
The children in 2nd Class were busy today preparing boxes for replanting.

Tidy Towns Art Competition
The busy volunteers of Newport Tidy Towns came to the school today to announce the winners of their art competition that was held in...