Infants enjoying Science Week!
Junior infants had great fun during science week!

5th Class enjoying 3rd Class Science Fair
5th class really enjoyed watching & hearing about the experiments that 3rd class performed for us

3rd Class Science Fair
3rd class science fair for science week was so much fun! Thank you to all the people who supported us!

3rd Class Trip to Westport Library
3rd class drawing the constellation of Orion with artist Deirdre Kellegher for Science Week in Westport library.

Ms Doherty's 1st class visit to Princess Grace Park
Ms Doherty's 1st class had a TREE-ific time at Princess Grace Park today. Lots of autumn leaves gathered and an enjoyable trip out!

Circus Science show comes to Newport!
Circus 250 are bringing their special show to Newport NS school hall NEXT SATURDAY 22 June from 11am to 4pm! The show is FREE and will...

4th Class Lego construction
4th class used Lego to construct symmetrical buildings. They created some very interesting designs...

STEM workshops from Abbvie
Thanks to Cillian Desmond and Sinead McCarthy from Abbvie in Westport, who visited us last week and gave some very interesting STEM...

Mummified tomatoes
Continuing their Egyptian theme, 5th class checked out their recent experiment. After 29 days in natrum- it was time to check out our...

Colour experiments in 3rd Class
Rang a 3 studied diffusion of food colouring and sugar. Skittles sadly inedible afterwards!