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Application for Book Grant 2020/21


A BOOK GRANT is available for qualifying families to help cover the cost of school books for 2020/21.

We also run a book rental scheme in order to reduce costs for parents. This means that we purchase books and they are passed on from class to class each year. This year we closed the school on March 12th having been given only three hours notice due to the outbreak of Covid 19. In light of the deficit of information around survival rates of the virus on various materials, a decision was made not to send home books on the rental scheme as we were unsure if they could be reused (which is the purpose of our Book Rental scheme). Apologies for having to do this and we hope that you understand our reasons for doing so. Thankfully most of the book publishers, very generously, made their books available online which enabled students to access their books remotely.

If you wish to apply for this grant, please click on the link below, complete all questions and submit by 13th June 2020

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