a message from Bríd Chambers
Dear Parents and Children,
As we come to the end of the third week of remote learning I hope that you have got into a regular pattern of engaging with learning from home. It is very difficult to balance your child's need for education with all the demands that you face from work and caring for other family members. We are asking you to keep wellbeing and safety to the forefront of what you do. We can always catch up on learning and we know that children are highly adaptable. Do not worry about children falling behind.
The highly transmissible variant of Covid-19 which was prevalent in Newport over the holidays affected many homes. Thank you so much for participating in our weekly surveys. Thankfully, we see a significant drop in the transmission rate as everyone is adhering to covid guidelines. While we have yet to be given a date for return to school, we are hopeful that a return to school will happen for children in special classes once it is deemed safe to do so.
Although the school is closed we are all working as usual. Please send an email to office@newportns.ie if there is any way in which you think we may be able to help with an issue that concerns you or your children. We may not have a solution but we all know that a problem shared is a problem halved. Sometimes, by just identifying that you are finding something challenging, you begin to find a solution. Anyway I am here to help.
Fiona and I are planning for next year already. Children who are going to the Sacred Heart School should commence the enrolment process. We sent a link to you yesterday. Rice College will shortly begin their enrolment too. Please advise family and friends that Newport NS enrolment of pupils for 2021 will take place February 8th to 12th 2021. You can enrol online and all forms, starting school booklets and general information are available on the school's website.
Hoping you all are keeping safe and well. We look forward to welcoming children back to school when we are advised that it is safe to open up, as we did in back in July for some classes and in September for all.
Kind regards,
