A message from Bríd Chambers
As we are officially halfway through term 2, I am delighted to see that progress is being made on the gradual re-opening of schools. Well done to the pupils, parents, SNA's and teachers who have worked so hard in difficult circumstances, to keep learning at the top of the agenda. Thank you to everyone who complimented teachers and SNA's, giving hope and encouragement when times became difficult. Children really enjoyed active learning and also the flurry of snow brought great joy last Friday!
From Monday all children enrolled in the Explorers' classes will return to school. All SNA's, special class teachers, bus escorts and cleaning staff will return to work. School buses will run as normal for those pupils.
We will continue to adhere to strict Covid-19 guidelines. Each staff member and pupil will be required to complete a return to work/school statement. This will ensure each person is Covid free. We are at a very good stage in the suppression process and I am confident that a successful and safe reopening will be achieved.
I had hoped that, by today we would have an indication of when mainstream classes, Special Education teachers and Mainstream teachers would return to school. This news is imminent so keep an eye on National media for an update.
Our classes and buildings are fully ready for a safe return as Ged, Joanna and Mary have continued to work throughout the lockdown. We are very grateful to them for all their work and commitment to ensuring that we provide a safe environment for everyone in the school.
It is now time for you all to take a break and enjoy the midterm holiday. We are all really looking forward to returning to our lovely school. Rest assured that we will do everything possible to ensure a safe transition for everyone..
Kind regards,
Bríd Chambers
