A message from Principal Bríd Chambers
Dear parents and staff,
We are very happy to have reached the end of the calendar year having enjoyed a very active and enjoyable first term in school. The chairperson of the Board of Management has asked me to thank you all for the way you and your children have graciously co-operated with changed practice. He asked for you to keep the momentum going until the vaccine is administered.
With regard to Covid-19, new advice from HSE (19 December 2020) is that siblings will be advised to stay at home when a child in the household is on restricted movement as a close contact of a confirmed case.
I know that you will continue to be careful to limit the amount of time spent with people outside of your household. We hope to return to school on January 6th. If the advice on the reopening of school changes we will provide remote learning for our students.
I would like to wish you all a Happy and peaceful Christmas as we look forward to the many blessings that 2021 will bring.
Kind regards,
Bríd Chambers
