A message from the Principal
Dear parents and guardians,
We are looking forward to meeting all the children tomorrow, and indeed, got to meet our new infants briefly today when they visited the school.
It is important that we all continue our excellent work in keeping our school community safe, so you will not be surprised to hear that our Covid Protocols that were in place last year will continue, with the same pods, bubbles, regular hand sanitising, classroom ventilation, plentiful outdoor activity periods and split break-times.
In addition, we are now introducing separate entrance areas for junior and senior classes..
JUNIOR CLASSES (Infants up to 2nd Class) SHOULD LINE UP AT THE FRONT DOOR from 09:10am (doors open 09:20)
SENIOR CLASSES (3rd to 6th Class) SHOULD LINE UP AT THE SIDE DOOR from 09:10am (doors open 09:20)
We ask that you complete a Return to School Declaration for your child(ren) before sending them to school tomorrow - with thanks to those who have already done so.
Finally, a child SHOULD NOT come to school if they have any of the following symptoms: sore throat, runny nose or temperature
Many thanks to you all for your support and co-operation, we are looking forward to a great year.
Brid Chambers Principal
