FOR 2021/22...
We hope that Newport NS After School classes will be able to start up again after 20th September 2021. If you are interested in running an after school class in the school, contact Fiona via email to find out more about our conditions and criteria.
Stepping Stones Montessori on Main Street. operates a BREAKFAST CLUB and AFTER SCHOOL CLUB. Contact Catherine 087 4043828 for more details
Greenway Lane Gallery often runs after school art workshops - contact Maureen O'Neill on 085 7212863 for more info
The Build-It Workshop now offer online workshops - contact them via their website www.thebuilditworkshop.com

Learning Together in Harmony

Fáilte Isteach - Welcome!
Welcome to Newport National School, a co-educational primary school in County Mayo, which follows the national curriculum for children aged four to thirteen in mainstream classes.
Our school was established in 1977 and is dedicated to the Holy Family. We promote a welcoming and inclusive culture where the value of the uniqueness of each child is appreciated.
The staff - comprising an administrative principal, twenty teachers, eleven special needs assistants and a secretary - work collaboratively to maintain the highest standard of teaching and learning for our pupils.

We offer a state of the art campus which boasts a multi use games area, a large astro turf pitch and a wonderful indoor sports hall, in addition to the most modern teaching facilities, all of which enable us to provide a high quality teaching and learning environment.
We also offer a wide-ranging after-school programme which makes use of our modern facilities.

Our school puts a firm focus on the individual child, offering a warm welcome to all students. We have a committed Special Education Needs team which devises education programmes, tailored to meet differing needs.
We have three Explorers classes for children with autism. Children enrolled in our Explorers’ classes also integrate into mainstream classes as they progress through the school.
We welcome visitors!
Why not contact the school to arrange an appointment to come see us,
tour the school and see for
yourself its many amenities?
Eóin Browne, Principal

Newport NS Staff 2024
To contact Newport NS...

CALL 098 41442 9:30am-3pm Mon to Fri
(you can also leave a voicemail)
send an EMAIL to office@newportns.ie
Write to us: Newport National School
Newport, County Mayo
F28 ED89
or use this simple CONTACT FORM...

OUR STAFF 2024/25
Deputy Principal
Class Teachers
Resource Teachers
Bus Escorts
Eóin Browne​
Berniece Connolly
Tish Crowley [Junior Infants]
Louise O'Grady [Senior Infants]
Berniece Connolly/Aisling Doherty [1st Class]
Mary Noonan [2nd Class]
Michelle Finnerty [3rd Class]
Emer O'Malley [4th Class]
Emma Grealis/Alison Kilbane [5th Class]
Claire Forrestal [6th Class]
Genevieve McGing [Early Explorers]
Gráinne Berry [Junior Explorers]
Sinéad English [Senior Explorers]
Linda Cheatle
Kevin Gallagher
Cian McNamara
Maria Molloy/Clary Lee
Mary O'Donnell
Regina Byrne
Davina Carney
Ann Chambers
Martin Hughes
Pamela Keenan
Norah Kelly
Eithne King
Kirsten McGarr
Pauline Morrin
Rachel Reid
Laoise Walsh
Maura Hastings
Paddy Chambers​
Monika Kurilla | Katalin Manz
Judy Fahey | Majella Hughes |
Mary Keane | AnnMarie McManamon