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Homework 1st Class

A note from Ms Connolly (also sent by email)



Some alternative options to choose from.....

  • the Ages. Ring your grandparents and have a chat. Let them tell you a story about when they were young. Record the story on paper and send your entry to Mayo County Library, Castlebar, Co. Mayo. These stories will be digitised and included in their archives for future generations.

  • Covid 19 Time Capsule. (Google this ) Receive free printable booklet to download and record what your child experienced during this time. Have it as a keepsake for years to come.

  • Reading: Oxford press: Free e-books for your child to read. (age 3-11) ebooks/

  • “BREATHE” Resource:

  • Bloom Photo Competition: www.rte>Lifestyle>Living. Bloom 2020 is moving online with a colourful competition – RTE. Submit your colourful photos of your flowers, plants, gardens etc. Some “blooming” prizes!!

Just some ideas to enable your child to engage in educational activities that are child friendly and child centred. Hope your child is enjoying lots of outdoor activities during this fine spell.

Yours sincerely,

Berniece Connolly