Mayo News 5 April 2022
Our lovely new Ukrainian pupils Nadiia, Illya and Khoma are featured in this week's Mayo News... Наші чудові нові українські вихованці...

Swimming in Mulranny
We were delighted (and just a bit relieved!) to get this photo from the Mulranny Park Hotel, clearly showing that their pool is just...

Swimming for 2nd, 3rd and 4th...
Swimming lessons will be delayed by ONE MORE WEEK for 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes, as the new pool is being sealed this week and will need...

Fun in the Playground
2nd Class enjoyed their visit to Newport Playground on Wednesday, and they loved meeting their new classmate Illya! Другому класу...

Internet Safety Workshops
UPDATE 7 MAR MAKE SURE TO REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR THIS WEBINAR! (Registration link sent home via email) Parents/Guardians We are pleased...

Swimming Update
Refurbishments in Mulranny Leisure Centre are not quite complete, so we will start swimming lessons there (for 2nd to 4th class) on 15 &...

Swimming Lessons
UPDATE - ALL CHILDREN MUST WEAR GOGGLES AND SWIM HATS TO BE ALLOWED INTO THE POOL Just a quick note to let everyone know that we have...

Litter Free Zone!
2nd Class did some litter picking on their weekly walk on the Greenway on Thursday! Future Tidy Towns Volunteers perhaps? Great job everyone

How to Catch a Star
Today, it was the turn of Senior Infants and 2nd Class to enjoy popcorn and a show, courtesy of the Parent Association. Lily and Fiona...

Blessing of Baby Jesus
A message from Fr. Tod... This weekend at Mass we have the blessing of the baby Jesus (crib figure). Children are welcome to bring their...