World Book Day
It was lovely to see the children from 5th class reading to their buddies in Junior Infants for World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March.

Book Fair a success!
Thank you to all the children and parents who helped to make our 2023 Book Fair our biggest and most successful one yet! From Tuesday to...

Book Fair timetable
Here is the Timetable for next week's Book Fair. Each class will have two visits to the Fair over the 4 days. Usually the first visit...

Book Fair 2023
Our annual Book Fair will take place in the school hall next week, from Tuesday 28 Feb to Friday 3 Mar. For those of you new to the...

Our Book Fair is OPEN!
For parents wishing to browse or buy books, I will have the Book Fair open each afternoon from 3pm to 3:30pm (each Class gets two...

Book Fair
Our Book Fair is back! The School Hall will be converted into a Book Shop from TUE 10 MAY to FRI 13 MAY Each class will visit the Book...

World Book Day Book Tokens
Due to Covid restrictions, we are not holding our annual Book Fair this year, but we hope to resume next year. We normally give the...

Book Fair Winners
Congratulations to the winners of our Book Cover Design competition, held during last week's Book Fair Winners: Junior Infants - Max...

Book Fair Winners
Congratulations to the winners of our Book Cover Design competition, held during last week's Book Fair Winners: Junior Infants - Max...

Book Fair 2020
THANK YOU for supporting our Book Fair this week. The school receives 60% commission in the form of BOOKS for class libraries and we are...