First Communion 2022
A message from Fr. Tod...
(also sent via email)
Re. First Communion 2022
November 12th 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope this note finds you well.
I write to you because your child has now entered 2nd Class and will please God be receiving his/her First Communion in 2022. It is hoped to hold First Communion on the weekend of May 14th/15th 2022.
First Communion is a very important step along a person’s journey in faith. It is a step and not a destination. Before your child takes this significant step could I invite you to pause and consider its significance in the faith journey of your child? Holy Communion, the Eucharist, does not give faith, rather it nourishes and sustains a faith already present. It is you who are the primary faith givers to your child.
With this in mind, now might be an opportune time for you to evaluate the importance of faith in your life and your role in gifting that faith to your child. Should you decide that faith isn’t important to you and your family then perhaps you might consider not presenting your child for First Holy Communion.
However, if faith is important in your home, the First Holy Communion of your child can be a hugely significant moment in the faith journey of both your child and your family
With Covid numbers so high at the moment I am reluctant to invite parents to a First Communion preparatory meeting or indeed to begin the ‘Do This in Memory’ programme at weekend Masses. Hopefully this situation will ease in the New Year when we would expect to begin some level of parish preparation for the Sacrament.
I might ask you however that if you do decide to present your child for First Communion that you take this opportunity to speak with them about your decision and that you make a firm commitment to bring them to Mass perhaps once or twice between now and Christmas.
Faith is caught not taught and you can gift your child with an appreciation of the importance of faith in their life by letting them see and experience how important it is in your life.
God Bless
Fr Tod
