Good News Club
a message from Fr. Tod to Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class...
Sept 12th 2022
Re: The Good News Club
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I hope this note finds you well.
I write to let you know of our hope to reintroduce the ‘Good News Club’ at Masses in our parish from October onwards. Since its introduction the Good News Club has been a huge success but because of Covid has not happened for the past two years.
‘The Good News Club’ is a club for young children which takes place during Mass and which gives younger children an opportunity to come to explore and better understand the Gospel message of the day. Through reading a more child-friendly version, discussing the themes and participating in activities such as colouring and drawing the children are helped to engage with the readings and so make the Liturgy of the Word more meaningful and relevant in their lives.
The Good News Club is aimed at children from Junior Infants (around 4) to First Class and will take place at one weekend Mass a month in Newport, and Mulranny. At the beginning of Mass children will be invited by the priest to go with three adult leaders to the sacristy where the Good News Club will take place. When they have finished they will return to the main body of the church – around offertory time, where the priest might chat with them about what they have learnt!
For such an undertaking to be successful we will need a group of parents/adults to form a rota. Depending on numbers parents would be asked volunteer once every 2-3 months. Training will be provided and in keeping with diocesan Safeguarding Policy all volunteers will be Garda vetted and made fully aware of diocesan standards of best practice in the safeguarding of children.
A short meeting of parents who might be interested in being part of this initiative in Newport Church will take place on Monday, September 26th in Newport Church Sacristy at 7pm.
Thanking you in anticipation.
God Bless
Fr Tod
