Steal My Style THANK YOU
Newport National School Parents Association want to send out a Huge Thank You to EVERYONE who helped make our fundraising night a Huge Success.
To Caroline & Carraig Donn & Flowers by Emma Rose for sponsoring our Dressed lady.
To The Connacht Distillery Ballina for providing welcome drinks.
To Eye World Opticians, Hotel Newport, Alliance Flooring, Build-it Workshops, Bridge House Beauty, Kelly’s Butchers, Ashlings & O'Haras of Foxford for the great spot prizes.
To Lina Stein for gifting us the most amazing hat for auction and to Sharon McGovern for making such a generous bid.
To Kieran, Hayley and Dazzle Disco for a great nights entertainment
To Aoife & Hotel Newport for their help & assistance in making the night a success.
To Brid, Fiona & Newport National School for all their support and to the local businesses and people that made such an effort to support our fundraiser.
We are very grateful.
As well as helping Parents Association funds we are delighted to be able to donate a cheque to Fr Tod for local Ukrainian Aid for €1000.
Huge Thank you again for all your generosity.
Newport NS Parents Association
