6th Class Hoodie Design
6th Class Hoodies
Sadly we shall not meet again in person before the end of the school year. Before the current school closure, the pupils of 6th class indicated that they were very keen on the idea of designing a commemorative hoodie that each pupil could order in their preferred colour and size, and we would still very much like to make that happen, as a memento of the eight years most of you have spent in Newport National School. Normally we would have a discussion in the classroom to agree the style and design of the hoodie, but, as this is not possible, we are going to ask you to select your preferences via an ONLINE SURVEY. This is the SECOND STAGE of the process. The first stage is for each pupil to provide a signature that we will incorporate on the back of the hoodie (email sent 7th May). If you have not already done so, please email this to the school ASAP. The purpose of this survey is to select the ARTWORK for the front and back of the hoodie. PLEASE SELECT YOUR OWN FAVOURITE DESIGN for the FRONT and the BACK of the hoodie. We will select ONE DESIGN for the hoodies, based on the majority vote. Click on the link below to vote online. Please complete by TUESDAY 12 MAY as there is a five week leadtime and we still need to select colours and sizes! Thanks
Claire and Fiona