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A message from Ms Connolly

Dear Parents,

We have now come to the end of our induction phase and I must say the children have settled into the school routine without any major trauma. The only anxiety in the junior infant room is about who is going to be the line leader for the day!!

As of Monday 14th September, the children will attend their full school day.

  • Some extra snacks may need to be provided.

  • Hometime: 1.50pm. The children will each stand on a yellow spot outside the school hall yard. The child is free to leave the spot once they can see you. They have an option of exiting to the car park via two exits . We will try this system to see if the handover can be less time consuming, as the senior infants will also be leaving the building directly after them.

Despite the very different world our children are living in we must continue to allow them to develop and flourish into their own unique beings.

"There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots, the other is wings.”

Yours sincerely,

Ms. Berniece Connolly


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