Thank you to Gavin who provided a Silent Disco for all our pupils as a treat for all their hard work during our recent WSE inspection....

Senior Christmas Shows
A Newport Christmas Christmas has come at the end of the year, Spreading the love, the joy and the cheer. Children all ready, lists are...

Free Astronomy Talk Hotel Newport
Many of the children in Newport NS got to enjoy the free planetarium shows in the school hall over the weekend during the Mayo Dark Sky...

4th Class in Princess Grace Park
Fourth class went on a trip to Princess Grace woods to collect natural autumn materials. Later we used these to create beautiful...

Cross Country Competition
The runners representing Newport NS had a great day in Murrisk, running in the sunshine! Ful report to follow, well done to all our runners

Order of Malta - Cadet Recruitment
Are you aged 10-16 and interested in joining Westport's Order of Malta? Check out the flyer below!

Class News will be posted here
As our school year has just started, it will take a week or so for news to start coming in from each class, so just check this page...